Monday, December 8, 2014

Fickle December

It has been one of those periods in early December when the thermometer can't make up its mind where it wants to settle.  Consequently we have gone through more than a few days where it has both warmed up and cooled down in a matter of hours.  And, when you add a little moisture to this atmospheric uncertainty, you often end up with sleet or freezing rain that can pretty much blanket everything.  This makes for terrible driving on the roads and even worse walking on the pavements.  On the other hand, these conditions can create some of the most unexpected and unusual effects you'll get to see in the garden until the hornworms devour all your tomatoes next summer. 

I walked through the garden recently with my camera and captured a few photos.  As you'll see, most of the plants that are still left standing this late in the season take on an entirely different look when exposed to ice and snow.  I think they are beautiful even though many are either as dead as a door nail or, at the very least, as dormant as a hedgehog on Ambien.  Some, that are encased in ice, sparkle like the best crystal and radiate an inner beauty that rivals the plant's best appearance during the gardening season. In that sense, winter has given them a second chance to shine.

For a slideshow of photos, click on the image below...


  1. Dormant as a hedgehog on Ambien, love it! I am not having luck with the slide show on my iPad..will check in with my desktop. Always lovely to read your posts Joe! ;)

    1. Thank you, Jeanne! And, thanks for the heads up about the IPad problem. I suspect it has to do with Flash not being supported on the IPad. I changed things a little in the post so that now folks using the IPad should be able to see the photos as well. Thanks again! Cheers, Joe


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